Quantitative analysis of heavy
metals in cosmetic products

FILAB laboratory ensures the conformity of your cosmetic products by performing
Heavy Metals quantitative analysis according to validated, and ISO 17025 accreditated,
analytical methods.

The FILAB laboratory ensures the conformity of your cosmetic products regarding
heavy metals, according to the regulations in place


Head of Analysis Department

Your needs


Determination of Heavy Metals

Determination of Heavy Metals

Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mg), Mercury (Hg), Nickel (Ni), Lead (Pb), Zinc (Zi), Titanium (Ti)…

Method Validation

Method Validation

The analytical validation of a method involves the study of specificity, repeatability, reproducibility, linearity…

ICH Q3D Conformity

ICH Q3D Conformity

ICH Q3D establishes the methodology for the assessment of elemental impurities in pharma-ceuticals products and can be applied to cosmetics

examples of samples


our techniques


For the determination and screening of heavy metal traces in chemical matrices or for the analysis of heavy metals in cosmetic raw materials, FILAB has an analytical park of more than fifteen ICPs (ICP-MS-MS, ICP-MS, ICP-AES). 

Above all, FILAB is one of the few laboratories in France to offer you the ICP-MS-MS technique for your heavy metal analyses. ICP-MS-MS, coupled with the savoir-faire of our technical teams, allows an even more in-depth and detailed analysis of the quantification of heavy metals in your cosmetic products.

Minéralisation par µ-onde

The FILAB laboratory is able to analyze all types of cosmetic matrices, even solid ones. To do so, we prepare your sample through µ-wave mineralization. The microwave oven, due to its high heating capacity, coupled with solvents, allows the acid digestion of any solid sample. 

Amalgameur Hg

Naturally occuring or resulting from human activity, the use of mercury is regulated in industrial sectors. It is therefore one of the elements prohibited in the composition of your cosmetic products. 

Mercury handling requires specific technical means. This is why FILAB laboratory experts use a mercury amalgamator with an autosampler for all mercury analyses. The mercury amalgamator is an absorption spectrometer for the quantification of mercury in liquid and solid samples by vaporization. Therefore, it is not necessary to mineralize your products. This technique allows to reach very high sensitivity levels for a faster analysis !


For the determination and screening of heavy metal traces in chemical matrices or for the analysis of heavy metals in cosmetic raw materials, FILAB has an analytical park of more than fifteen ICPs (ICP-MS-MS, ICP-MS, ICP-AES). 

Above all, FILAB is one of the few laboratories in France to offer you the ICP-MS-MS technique for your heavy metal analyses. ICP-MS-MS, coupled with the savoir-faire of our technical teams, allows an even more in-depth and detailed analysis of the quantification of heavy metals in your cosmetic products.

Mercury Analyzer

Naturally occuring or resulting from human activity, the use of mercury is regulated in industrial sectors. It is therefore one of the elements prohibited in the composition of your cosmetic products. 

Mercury handling requires specific technical means. This is why FILAB laboratory experts use a mercury analyzer with an autosampler for all mercury analyses. The mercury analyzer is an absorption spectrometer for the quantification of mercury in liquid and solid samples by vaporization. Therefore, it is not necessary to mineralize your products. This technique allows to reach very high sensitivity levels for a faster analysis ! 

Sample mineralization by microwave


The FILAB laboratory is able to analyze all types of cosmetic matrices, even solid ones. To do so, we prepare your sample through microwave mineralization. The microwave oven, due to its high heating capacity, coupled with solvents, allows the acid digestion of any solid sample. 

The filab BENEFITS

The FILAB laboratory provides you with customized support for the analysis of your cosmetic products

FILAB laboratory is COFRAC ISO 17025 accredited for the determination of Heavy Metals impurities in cosmetics by ICP-AES and ICP-MS
Our accreditation here
FILAB is one of the few French laboratories to work on the ICP MS-MS technique in order to bring you more precision in your results
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Describe your Heavy Metals Analysis needs