The art of making matter speak... by Mass Spectronomy

High resolution mass spectrometers (HRMS) with analysers capable of accessing exact mass such as the time of flight (TOF) mass spectrometer or Orbitrap are used to quantify organic contaminants. The performance of the analysers is compared by their powers of resolution, which is defined as the ability to provide signals that can be distinguished for two peaks of similar masses.

A multi-sectoral approach...

Medical Devices



Analysis by Mass Spectrometry, why ?

Orbitrap and QTOF Mass Spectrometry technologies are methods for accurate measurement of molecular or single isotope masses.

Making matter speak is FILAB's commitment

Analysis by LC-QTOF

This technique allows the precise measurement of the monoisotopic mass of an ion and thus the deduction of its raw form.

  • Analysis of extractables and leachables
  • Polymer deformation
  • Identification of impurities in drugs

Analysis by ORBITRAP

These analytical techniques allow us to perform the following services:

  • Determine the molecular weight of an organic compound
  • Search for an impurity at the origin of a defect
  • Check the conformity of a raw material or a finished product
  • Detect traces of heavy metals
  • Develop analytical methods specific to your products, including mass spectrometry



French laboratory
based in DIJON (21)

FILAB offers you customized support, both in terms of price and technique. Indeed, we develop the most suitable methods for your industrial products and their use. And above all, our deadlines are short and our prices very competitive.
0 Analytical park
0 People
0% Analyses carried out internally

Would you like more information? Please contact us!

As an independent analytical chemistry laboratory with a team of experienced doctors and engineers, FILAB guarantees the reliability of your results, ensures rapid processing of requests and provides personalized support to its customers.

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