The art of making matter talk
FILAB, first French ISO 17025 laboratory accredited by COFRAC for nanomaterials
characterization on raw materials and finished products
The art of making speak
FILAB, 1st French laboratory accredited by COFRAC ISO 17025 for nanomaterials characterization of raw materials and finished products
how to perform nano classification
Why realising nanometrics classification
To optimise your performance and/or better assess the impact of nanomaterials, it is necessary to rely on reliable and accurate measurement data. Beyond their nanometric nature, nanoparticles have specific properties that need to be controlled, such as: particle size distribution, specific surface area, chemical composition, etc. The FILAB laboratory can assist you in the monitoring and quality control of your nanometric materials.
How to analyse Metal Oxides?
SEM-EDX analysis:
For an analysis of a raw material such as metal oxide (TiO2, sillicon oxide, zinc oxide, etc.) we prefer the SEM-EDX technique to determine the size and shape of nanoparticles.How to analyse
Metal Oxides?
SEM-EDX analysis:
For an analysis of a raw material such as metal oxide (TiO2, sillicon oxide, zinc oxide, etc.) we prefer the SEM-EDX technique to determine the size and shape of nanoparticles.How to analyse other
types of raw materials?
How to analyse other
types of raw materials?
How to analyse all types
of finished products?
How to analyse all types
of finished products?
Notre spécialiste Thomas Gautier vous parle nano :
Qui est Thomas Gautier ?
Disposant d’une solide expérience dans la caractérisation de nanomatériaux et l’analyse de contaminations particulaires, Thomas rejoint FILAB en 2018, avec la volonté de développer les compétences de notre laboratoire autour de ces thématiques. Thomas coordonne aujourd’hui les activités du département Expertise matériaux, et assure un support technique dans la prise en charge de vos demandes d’analyses de nanomatériaux et nanoparticules.
"Nano" cases by filab
"Nano" cases by filab :
Research of Nanomaterials in cosmetic cream
Testing for nanomaterials in cosmetic products is a common analysis, especially in creams as above. We also often analyse make-up products such as matting powders.
Research of Nanomaterials in sugar
FILAB was contacted for a search for microplastics by SEM-EDX in sugar. Subsequently, we performed particle counting by Optical Microscope and particle identification by type.
Research of Nanoparticles in textiles
A company contacted us to characterise the presence of Silver nanoparticles in their range of socks. Indeed, Silver has antibacterial properties! The company wanted to know whether the fibres in the silver coating were continuous or in nano form.
I have a nano request :
Please note that FILAB provides services only to professionals
Parc Mazen Sully 13, rue Pauline Kergomard
Tél. +33 (0)3 80 52 32 05