The art of making matter speak... by XRD 

X-ray Diffraction (XRD) is an analytical technique for studying the different phases of crystalline materials.

Analysis by XRD, why ?

X-ray Diffraction (XRD) provides access to a great deal of information contained in the very arrangement of elements within a material. Its objective is to study the different phases and proportions of matter.

Making matter speak is FILAB's commitment

A multi-sectoral approach...






Medical Devices

Analysis and characterisation of materials

X-ray Diffraction (XRD) provides access to a great deal of information contained in the arrangement of the elements within a material:

  • Qualitative analysis allows the identification of the crystallised compound(s) present in a material as well as their crystallographic forms
  • Quantitative analysis by refinement according to the Rietveld method or by specific calibration makes it possible to determine the contents of these compounds in the trace state as well as in the state of major compounds

The analyses carried out

  • Identification and quantification of major phases
  • Determination of crystalline phases present
    compositional analysis
  • Identification of the chemical nature of crystalline forms present



French laboratory
based in DIJON (21)

FILAB offers you customized support, both in terms of price and technique. Indeed, we develop the most suitable methods for your industrial products and their use. And above all, our deadlines are short and our prices very competitive.
0 Analytical park
0 People
0% Analyses carried out internally

As an independent analytical chemistry laboratory with a team of experienced doctors and engineers, FILAB guarantees the reliability of your results, ensures rapid processing of requests and provides personalized support to its customers.

Would you like more information? Please contact us!

Parc Mazen Sully  13, rue Pauline Kergomard
BP 37460  21074 DIJON CEDEX – FRANCE
Tél. +33 (0)3 80 52 32 05

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